2017 Spring Issue HV Mfg Magazine

HV Mfg magazine Spring 2017 issue - cover

Cover: Ben Katzenstein revels in the history of Star Kay White and contemplates the future of the business.

Cover photo by Tom LeBarbera/Picture This Studios

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Contents: Spring 2017 Issue

Follow these links to PDF versions of the full magazine or individual articles:
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Spring 2017 – Read the full issue online:
Full Issue PDF file (64 Pg – 13.6MB)

 3 | Table of Contents
Table of contents with hyperlinks to all articles.

 5 | Letter from the Executive Vice President
Innovation and Inclusion.

 7 | Manufacturing News Briefs
Policy Priorities for Manufacturers.

11 | Workforce Development
Social Media Helps Bridge the Skills Gap.

15 | A Sweet Family Business
A sit-down with Ben Katzenstein, Owner of Star Kay White.

21 | Workplace
Is Your Workplace Taking Advantage of Circumplex?

25 | Real Life Training
Simulaids Innovative Medical Training Aids.

30 | Working Toward Sustainability
Manufacturing and Environmental Efficiencies.

34 | Engineering Program Targets Females
SUNY New Paltz Gets WISE.

36 | A Submarine For Your Stomach
Delivering Antibiotics More Efficiently.

39 | Membership Directory
A current listing of Council of Industry members.

55 | Members Listed by Business Category (Membership Directory, continued)

56 | Associate Member Listing – Council of Industry Associate Members (Membership Directory, continued)

62 | Advertisers Index