HV Mfg Magazine – Fall 2021 Issue

Letter From The President


Welcome to the Fall 2021 Edition of HV Mfg

Harold King
Harold King

Putting this magazine together every 6 months provides an opportunity to reflect on the issues of the day – noting how much things change – and how much they don’t. This semi-annual exercise was particularly interesting this year. COVID-19, regulatory policy, the labor market, inflation, supply chain, vaccines… the Governor of New York… all seem quite different than they were in April. At the same time, many seem very much the same. In this edition of HV Mfg, we examine some of the issues facing manufacturers in the region and we leave it up to you – dear reader – to decide what has changed and what remains unchanged.

Among our stories is a profile of Crepini, a rapidly growing family-owned manufacturer of healthy crêpes and wraps by Taylor Dowd. Johnnieanne Hansen interviews Brenda Shaffer whose career path within Selux Corp. has taken her from an entry-level admin to Vice President. Central Hudson’s Anthony Campagiorni writes on New York State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and the need to ensure the reliability of the grid as we move toward a carbon free future. Wilmington Trust economist Rhea Thomas provides a macro look at the labor market to help shed some light and perspective on the workforce crisis we are all facing. Ignition’s Ben Kujawinski offers some lessons from companies that successfully navigated the early stages of the pandemic. We learn how Westchester County is upping its workforce game by supporting the Council of Industry’s Apprentice program. Eastern Alloys’ John Malmgreen is the subject of our Leader profile. John’s passion for chemistry and his low-key leadership style have helped Eastern Alloys become a leader in their industry.

Also in this edition is our Manufacturers Resource Guide. The resource guide provides key contacts at agencies, organizations, and schools that offer support to Hudson Valley manufacturers. We have our news briefs and several of our members and friends provide reviews and recommendations on books they have found impactful or interesting as well. Council of Industry Board Chair and President of Viking Industries Richard Croce provides a member’s perspective on the pandemic and the role the Council of Industry played in support of manufactures. His heartfelt words are much appreciated by myself and our team.

Finally, a sincere thank you to all the advertisers in this edition. Their support helps The Council of Industry spread the important message that Manufacturing is “essential” to the region, the state, and the nation.

Harold King
Council of Industry

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