HV Mfg Magazine – Spring 2020 Issue

Letter From The President

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Welcome to the Spring 2020 Edition of HV Mfg

Planning for this edition began in earnest in December of 2019 in a precoronavirus world and while parts of that world seem distant and irrelevant in April 2020 much of this magazine’s content, I believe, remains current and of interest to the Hudson Valley Manufacturing Community. Like all of you, however, we were forced to adjust to the new realities of the post-coronavirus world and make several changes to the magazine for this edition.

First, this edition will only be available digitally. This was an extremely difficult decision, but given that so many readers are working remotely this made the most sense. Second, some of the content needed to change. For example, we had planned to follow the Hudson Valley Pathways students through their FIRST Robotics Competition at Rockland Community College in late March. With that competition cancelled and school being conducted via distance learning that article now focuses instead on the Pathway team’s preparations, adjustment to their circumstances and their focus on next year’s competitions. Third, we were able to adapt our usual Leader Q&A profile to instead highlight some of the wonderful work our members and associate members are doing to help their communities or quickly pivot their business to meet urgent needs.

In fact there is some great content in this edition. Alison Butler’s profile of eMagin highlights one of the region’s most innovative companies and a world leader in high definition micro displays. SUNY New Paltz Journalism student Taylor Dowd writes about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We profile Rob Papale, Toolmaker from Zierick Manufacturing and the first MIAP apprentice to receive his Department of Labor Credential. Skip Weisman writes about the importance of communication and transparency to effective leadership, not only in this crisis, but in more normal times as well. We also have
our News Briefs.

This edition also includes the Membership Directory. Let me take this opportunity to say how proud I am of all the members of this association, many of which are essential and working hard and safely to make people’s lives a little more safe and secure. The commitment these companies have shown to their suppliers and customers is noteworthy. The commitment they have shown to their employees is impressive and heartwarming.

I also want to thank our Associate Members who have been so generous with their expertise and worked with the Council of Industry to keep our members informed, compliant, safe and healthy through the outbreak and the shutdown.

Finally, a sincere thank you to all the advertisers. Your support helps us spread the message that manufacturing is not just alive and well in the Hudson Valley it is “essential” to the region and the nation.

Thank you for being a reader of HV Mfg and thank you for your continued support of Hudson Valley Manufacturing and the Council of Industry.

Harold King
Council of Industry

AMI Armistead
Bell Flavors and Fragrances